Important things to know

Rules of conduct

For everyone’s wellbeing we would like you to follow a set of rules:

Alcohol and narcotics

According to the policy of the Swedish scout movement alcohol and drugs are prohibited. Which means you are not allowed to bring or consume alcohol or narcotics during your time here.


You’re allowed to bring dogs, but they must be leashed out of consideration of people with allergies and those who are scared of dogs. Dogs are prohibited from being at the swimming area according to rules of the municipality.


During all activities at Kragenäs there must be a leader, 18 years old or above.

Nature reserve

Kragenäs is a nature reserve this includes the two islands out in the ocean. You are allowed to have activities inside the nature reserve, but it is not allowed to start a fire outside of the fixed fireplaces nor sleep in a tent in other places than the fields. Dogs have to be leashed.


According to the policy of the Swedish scout movement none of the guests at Kragenäs are supposed to be influenced to start using tobacco during your stay. Therefore, there are no marked places to use tobacco. If you must use it, please do so out of sight.


For the sake of both neighbors and other guests’ wellbeing you have to be silent at the campsite during 23.00-07.00. All eventual activities which can disturb neighbors or other guests on the campsite should be reconciled with Kragenäs.

Cleaning before leaving

Before you and your group leave Kragenäs you must clean the area where you have had your village. Because Kragenäs has ditches and draining inside of the fields it is not allowed to dig anywhere. Holes from tree poles etc. should be filled with dirt from “Frysplan”.

Digging and long tentpegs

Since there are cables under the fields you cannot use tent pegs longer than 30 centimeters.

Fire safety

To make it easier for you and your group to plan the layout of your camp, we have some safety regulations. It is very important that you follow these so that we all work together for the best possible security on site.

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to bring them up with the Kragenäs host.

Kitchen layout

The kitchen is one of the most dangerous places in your camp. Please keep the following rules in mind to avoid unnecessary accidents in your camp’s kitchen.

  • When using an open fire: An open fire for cooking must be under the open sky with at least 1 m distance (sideways) between the fire and the nearest tent.
  • When using gas or similar: Cooking may only take place under a ceiling if you use a canvas tent with a steel structure or similar, since light-weight tents catch fire far too easily. The distance between the burner and the canvas must be at least 1,5 m in height and 0,3 m sideways.
  • Build your fireplace on a sufficient height so that the surrounding ground cannot catch fire.
  • By every cooking place there must be at least one 6 kg portable fire extinguisher (the kind with powder). If you have an open fire there must also be a bucket of water and something to put out fire with within reach.


If your group is using a gas kitchen it is important to keep the following important information in mind. The following is stated in Swedish Law.

  • Mark the cooking place with a warning sign which reads ”Gasolflaskor” (gas bottles).
  • Do not keep more than 60 l of gas (equalling 2 model PC10 or 1 model PC6) in the same place.
  • Keep the bottles standing and secured against tipping. They must also be easy to remove in case of a fire.
  • If you are keeping gas bottles in a storage area, put them directly inside an opening and mark the storage area with a warning sign that reads ”Gasolflaskor” (gas bottles).

Distance between tents

Please follow these regulations to avoid the risk of fire spreading in case of an accident.

  • The distance between a cooking place and sleeping tents must be at least 8 m. The same applies to the distance between sleeping tents with a stove and other sleeping tents.
  • The distance between a storage area where gas bottles are kept and sleeping tents must be at least 8 m. No kind of fire (nor kerosene lanterns) is allowed in such storage areas.
  • The shortest distance allowed between sleeping tents is 3 m from canvas to canvas.
  • Light-weight tents may be placed in clusters of up to 6 tents each. To count as a cluster, the distance between canvases should be no more than 1,5 m. The distance between a cluster and a tent outside the cluster must be at least 3 m.


Waste sorting guide

We want to contribute to a better environment, that is why you can sort your waste and packages so that it can be recycled in a good way. All waste and packages are handled at our recycling station at Frysplan. 

Help us by rinsing all packages so that they are clean and dry when putting them into the bins, that helps keeping our recycling station in a good shape. If you have other types of waste like broken tents or hazardous waste, talk to us and we’ll try to help you. 

Food waste 

Food waste is all that is left when you have cooked and eaten your food. Food waste shall be drained from water and put in a paper bag before you put it into the bin. E.g. peelings of fruit and vegetables, food scraps, egg shells, meat, fish, butter 

Residual waste 

Residual waste is the waste that is left over once one has sorted out all the recyclables. The residual waste is burnet to produce heat and electricity.  E.g. old sponges, nappies, hygiene products 

Paper packaging 

All packaging made from paper och cardboard will be recycled to new packaging. Please fold your packages to save space. E.g. milk and yoghurt cartons, cereal boxes  

Plastic packaging 

All packaging made from plastic, both hard and soft. The plastic is sorted and recycled to new plastic packaging. Drinking bottles are not plastic packaging, instead leave them at the kiosk. E.g. bottles, jars, plastic bags, plastic foil   

Coloured glass packaging 

All packaging made from green or brown glass. The glass is recycled to new bottles or jars. E.g. green or brown glass bottles 

Clear glas packaging 

All packaging made from clear glass. The glass is recycled to new bottles or jars. E.g. clear glass jars or bottles 

Metal packaging 

All packaging made from metal. The metal is sorted and melted and can be used again. E.g. cans, tubes and aluminum foil

Healthcare Information

Emergency number 112

Healthcare information number 1177


The address here is Kragenäs Myren 3, 457 91, Tanumshede.

Phone: 0525-233 80.

To the camping area

Follow signs towards Resö. Take a left by the sign ”Göteborgsscouternas Kragenäs”. The gate is unlocked between June 15th and September 15th. On other times the gate must be unlocked with a Kragenäs key.

To Pannbergstugan

Follow signs towards Resö. Drive past the sign ”Göteborgsscouternas Kragenäs” and take the next left, just before Galtöbron. Then take the first left up a hill (there’s a gate here that is usually ulocked), then take a right and follow the road to Pannbergsstugan.

Närhälsan Tanumshede

Monday – Friday 8 – 17

Ringvägen 1 A, 457 30 Tanumshede

Phone: 010-441 51 00

Emergency Närhälsan Tanumshede

Monday – Friday 17–24

Saturday -Sunday 10–24

Phone emergency: 0700-20 66 50

No need to make an appointment for emergency care

Vårdcentralen Capio Strömstad

Monday – Friday 07.30-17.30

Oslovägen 44, 452 35 Strömstad

Phone: 0526-79 90 00

Emergency room NÄL – Trollhättan

Always open

Lärketorpsvägen 20, 461 73 Trollhättan

Phone: 010 – 435 00 00




Pharmacy Apoteket Tanum Shoppingcenter

Monday – Friday 10 – 19

Saturday -Sunday 10 – 16

Brehogsvägen 5, 45732 Tanumshede

Pharmacy Apoteksgruppen Tanumshede

Monday – Wendsday 08:30 – 19

Thursday closed

Fryday 8:30-19

Saturday 10 – 14

Sunday closed

Affärsvägen 1, Tanumshede

Pharmacy Apoteket Flöjtskeppet Strömstad

Monday – Friday 10- 19

Saturday 09 – 15

Sunday closed

Oslovägen 56, 45235 Strömstad

Pharmacy Apoteket hjärtat ICA Kvantum Strömstad

Monday – Friday 08-20

Saturday 10 -18

Sunday 10 -16

Prästängsvägen 2, 452 33 Strömstad

Refrigerators and freezers

You have access to refrigerators and freezers

On “frysplan” there are refrigerators and freezers where you can store food.

The refrigerator container is always unlocked, and there is lighting in there (the switch might be little bit of a hassle).

All refrigerators and freezers all labeled with your name use only yours.

When you leave, empty out your food completely, and leave the refrigerators and freezers closed and turned on


The Kiosk

The Kiosks has:

Ice cream, candy, snacks, drinks, scout items, Kragenäs items, toiletries and fika.

Payment in the kiosk

We accept card and swish, no cash.

Scouts who don’t have either will need to find a solution with their troop, for example a leader pays

and then the parent of the scout pays the leader



What can we park?

Cars and trailers are parked on the parking lot by the four flag poles

Buses and other big vehicles please talk to us before parking.

Where can we park?

We park at the parking lot by the four flag poles.

Start farthest away from the poles towards northeast and fill towards southwest

Please park as closely as you can by each other, so more people fit

It’s forbidden to park along the roads and on the fields or on “frysplan”. This applies to cars and trailers

You aren’t allowed to park on the swimming guest parking (badplatsparkering), this applies to you and if

you have guests.

Parking Permits

You need parking permits to park, this applies to all vehicles and trailers.

The site managers have parking permits.

If you have guests then theywill also need parking permits which they can get in the kiosk or from the site

manager, if you know that you are going to have guests then you can ask for permits in advance.